audio consultants
Although we closed our doors, we continue to represent Magnepan in Chicagoland. If you have any questions regarding Magnepan speakers, please contact us at alanz@audioconsultants.com or 847-864-9565.
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you today to announce my retirement and to let you know that Audio Consultants will be closing its doors on December 21st, 2019.
I opened Audio Consultants in 1967 and it has been a most rewarding journey. As you know the industry has greatly evolved during the past fifty-two years, from analog to digital and beyond. And I am proud that along with my team we were able to adapt to all these technological changes .
While the industry was evolving I never deviated from my core principle that customers must be treated with decency and that the support work we did behind the scenes was more important than the actual sale. And you have responded with steadfast loyalty. You understood that, ” no sale is final until you are completely satisfied, ” was not an empty slogan.
I have had the privilege of dealing with several generations of customers. Some of you started buying from me years ago when you were teenagers and continue to do so until today. I thank you with all my heart.
I also want to thank wholeheartedly my faithful employees, some of whom have been with me from the very beginning. Others have accompanied me for more than 40 years.
Simon Zreczny